Saturday 24 January 2015


Daikon is  a huge radish.  It grows very well in Maltese climate but it is exceptionally sweet in the cold winter months.  I sow the seeds as I do for carrots that is late August and late March for a winter and summer crop. Ants do shift the seeds around so do not be surprised if you find daikon growing in other parts of the garden.

Daikon Pickle

Thursday 26 July 2012


The glorious tomatoes!  This will be a long chapter as tomatoes can prove to be a difficult crop. 
I have two seasons for tomatoes,  the Summer crop which is bountiful and allows you to grow any type of tomato, and the winter crop which yealds much less and only the hardy ones are fit for this season.

Three years ago I started off with seedlings I bought from a garden centre, and as I progressed I realised that some of the varieties I had were far more suitable for my environment than others, so I saved the most beautiful one of each variety, (the one that is closest to the main stem).  I kept a watchful eye on it  till it is over ripe and nearly wrinkled. Then I open it and squeeze the seeds over a clean kitchen paper and leave it in a sunny windowsill till seeds are completely dry.  Around the first week of March, I make a small space in my garden,  add some compost and turn the soil well.  Then I sow the seeds and lightly mix with the soil, water carefully and wait for about 3 weeks till they reach 25cms.  I keep watering them every day during these 3 weeks, and before i transfer the small plants to their permanent place, I make sure that I water them properly so that I can easily lift the plant and all the roots.

I sow the seedlings around the last week of March,  along the drip line and approximately 1 metre apart.  I put yellow powder in dewy mornings,  each 10 days and I keep doing so till I see the first tomatoes.

Yellow powder help protecting the plant from many deseases and viruses, but the most important thing is that you keep the seeds of  healthy plants from one year to another.  Each year they become more resistant and they will yeald more fruit.

Make sure that the soil is rich with nutrients and fertilizers as tomatoes will grow bigger and nicer.  I try as hard as I can not to spray with pesticides, and when I see a plant struggling I'd rather take it off than applying the odd stuff.

Tomatoes like to stay next to Green Peppers, Aubergines and Sweet corn.  Make sure to rotate and plant them in different places each year.  Also feed the soil well after pulling out the plant.

Recipe Suggestions
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Sun dried Tomato and Olive Ciabatta
Robust Tomato Sauce for Pasta

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Onions are another favourite vegetable in my garden, as they take their process to grow, are resistant to most weathers including gail winds and gushing sea sprays, moreover they keep well for at least three months if stored properly.

Normally I do not sow from seeds, but buy them small from a trusted farmer around the last week of December. I snip off two inches from the tops and sow them in two rows along the drip line approx 20cm apart leaving the water supply in the middle of each row.  Onions are very resistant to viruses or other deseases, and this is the third time I had a successful crop.  Around the second week of July when all tops are dried  and thick auburn bulbs emerge from the ground, I pull them out and arrange them in bunches then hang them in a dry ary place for about three to four weeks.  Then I remove the stalk, and store them in cardboard boxes in a cool dark place.

Tuesday 22 May 2012


For me, peas are one of the most difficult crops to have, as I live right in front of the sea with  strong Easternly winds that sometimes hit force 9!
Peas need a good shelter and a sunny place to grow, water regularly and nothing much left to do but hope that weather will be kind.
I sow peas twice, once towards the end of December and another time towards the end of January.  I dig a trench approx 6 inches deep along the drip line and I put around 6 peas together aside each drip hole which is roughly 10 inch apart.  I try to put them aside hardy leafy plants such as Artichokes or broccoli  so that they get some shelter. 
Harvest peas when they look plump and fruit looks bulging from the pod.  The tender pea shoots are excellent in salads. Just snip a few with you fingers and ejnoy the delicate sweet pea taste.  If you decide to freeze them, then shell them as quickly as possible and pack them in plastic bags.  Will keep well till next season.

French Beans

French Beans are sown exaclty like the Borlotti beans that is From February till March, with the difference that both the bean and pod are edible so they can be harvested around the end of May.
I dig a trench along the drip line approx 6inch deep and I sow eight seeds together but 10inch apart .  This is very necessary as when they grow, the stems support one another in strong winds and they can grow into nice bushes.  You can arrange Support made from cane, so that they climb along, but I find that leaving them together they sort of intertwine with one another achieving same results. 
Watering regulary is essential for a sweet crop,  and when the plant has about 10 leaves I also sprinkle some yellow powder, early in the morning.  Plant does not like being wet, so never sprinkle any water over it.  
I harvest when the beans are small so that I do not have unnecessary waste.  French beans can be frozen. Blanch them  for 30 seconds in boiling salted water then put them in ice cold water to retain a vibrant green colour.  Drain well then pack into freezing bags and freeze.  Will keep till the next season.

Recipe Suggestions

Monday 14 May 2012


Sometimes, when Nature is kind, crop can be abundantly so much that it would be impossible to consume.  Pumpkins are the ideal vegetable to grow as once they are ripe, they can stand on a wall somewhere in the sun, and keep well throughout the winter.  Last year I opened the last pumpkin in July, and used the seeds to sow for another season!
Pumpkin is the last vegetable I sow in the Summer Season, which is around mid July.  Allow plenty space between one to another at least 1 metre!  I dig 6 inch hole and put two seeds in each then when the seedlings start to grow I remove the weakest one.  Normally, I opt for the family size Pumpkin which can vary between 1 kg to 4 kg.  I also love the butternut squash variety.  The flesh is more compact and brighter, however it will not keep as long as the normal family size.
Water regularly, and as soon as the plant has 5 or 6 leaves sprinkle with yellow powder early in the morning and Preferably when there are dew drops still on the leaves. Do this every three weeks so that the plant is protected from viruses and other illnesses. 
The stem will travel along the garden, sometimes it can grow long as much as ten metres. Normally, I re arrange and curl it back to where is space.  Try not to disturb when there are fruits attached, even if they land on pathways.
Pumpkins will be ready to cut in Early October or when the stem is completely dried.  Carefully cut just above one inch from the stem and place stem side down on a stone wall where they can enjoy plenty sunshine. Check them regularly especially after it rains as they can rot.  If you spot one which just started to go off, simply cut around the bad part and use immediately.

Recipe Suggestions

Monday 30 April 2012

Green Marrows

Green Marrows or as more commonly found Zucchini, come from the Marrow family.  In Malta, the round ones are the most popular as they are traditionally stuffed with mince meat and baked.  Green Marrows grow in two different seasons, Spring and Autumn.  I find that the Spring variety yields more fruit and I suggest garden novices as myself to start venturing with this wonderful crop. I sow green marrow seeds directly into  the ground about 24 inches apart and 4-6inches deep along the drip line which are roughly 24inches apart too.  I put two seeds in each hole, and in two weeks time they start sprouting.  As soon as the plant grow  approx 10cm ,  I remove the weaker of the two.  Green Marrow plant has huge leaves, and the healthier you keep the leaves the more successful you will be with the fruit.  I do not spray with any pesticides, however, I do sprinkle with yellow powder (kubrit) early in the morning so that it clings to the morning dew, every 15 days.  I am very careful, with powder when the plant has flowers and fruits, so that I do not sprinkle over them.  Be careful not to over water, as when you do so, the marrow grows to a walnut size then it shrinks and dies.
Green Marrows taste best when young and tender, approx golf ball size, however, when they reach the size of a tennis ball, we remove the inner flesh, and fill with a very delicious mince mixture.  We either bake them, or add them to chicken broth.  
Flowers are also edible and very sweet and tasty.  Cut the male ones which are those who do not come out of a fruit.  Usually they have long stem, very easy to handle and prepare. Do leave some attached to the plant  for good pollination.  Fill with ricotta and dip them in tempura batter and then just deep fry in good olive oil.

Recipe Suggestions
Paccheri with Sausage and Spring Vegetables
Tempura Zucchini Flowers with Zesty Ricotta filling